Chilli peppers are a delicious and exciting way to get some spice in your life!
Part of the vegetable family & with hundreds of varieties of peppers available, it’s easy to pick your desired level of spice.
Whether you like a subtle heat or a fiery blast of spice, chillies don’t only offer culinary value, they also offer a number of health benefits. Some of these include:
- Immune system support
- Metabolism support
- Cardiovascular support
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- High amounts of vitamins and minerals
- Anti-cancer properties
- Diabetes management
Additionally, incorporating fresh Chilli peppers into your meals helps you to reach the healthful goal of increasing the amount of fresh produce of which your diet is comprised. After you learn more in-depth information about how eating this delicious food can make a positive impact on your well-being, you may want to begin the habit of eating some every day.
1. Chilli Peppers and Your Immune System
Due to their high content of vitamins, specifically Vitamins A and C, Chilli peppers have long been valued as a powerful immunity booster. Vitamin A is essential for supporting mucosa tissue, such as your respiratory passages, urinary tract and intestinal tract. These systems are the body’s primary defence again outside infections and germs, so supporting their strength and integrity with a basic building block of health, such as Vitamin A, is a great way to avoid becoming ill. Vitamin C helps to form and maintain connective and cardiovascular tissues, ensuring that your body is strong and enjoying good circulation. Additionally, the spiciness of peppers helps to clear congestion, moving germs and irritants out of your body – hence the runny nose so many spicy food lovers contend with!
2. Chilli Peppers – Amping Up Your Metabolism
Capsaicin is the compound that is the source of a Chilli pepper’s spiciness. It is an alkaloid compound found primarily within the seeds and veins of a pepper, and it seems to be a veritable fount of good health. It is thought that the heat you experience as you eat the Chilli can also increase your body temperature. Known in the scientific community as thermogenesis, this production of heat requires increased work from your metabolism. Essentially, eating Chilli peppers may increase your metabolic rate and cause your body to burn more calories than non-spicy foods. A diet rich in spicy foods that incorporate Chilli peppers might become your secret to maintaining a healthy body weight!
3. Chilli Peppers – Enhancing Your Heart Health
The benefits of capsaicin don’t end with metabolic support. This amazing compound has been shown to help in the reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels while reducing the risk of blood clot formation. Reducing these risk factors in your cardiovascular system translates into lowered risks of suffering a heart attack, stroke or deadly blood clot. Chilli peppers may actually help your body to break down fat deposits in your blood vessels, a build-up known as atherosclerosis, and metabolize them to be excreted through your digestive tract.
4. Chilli Peppers – Calming and Reducing Body-Wide Inflammation
Capsaicin seems to be a sort of Jack-of-all-trades in relation to the health of human body, supporting and maintaining the health of nearly all of our major systems. It has been shown to be a powerful anti-inflammatory, actually inhibiting the action of certain peptides in the body that cause irritation and swelling. Pain, such as arthritis, headaches, sinus pressure and muscle and joint aches, are usually caused by inflammatory responses that your body produces in an attempt to eradicate an irritant. Capsaicin can calm this response, leading to a reduction in pain and symptoms such as joint swelling, stiffness and redness.
5. Chilli Peppers – A Nutritional Powerhouse of Vitamins and Minerals
As you have already learned, Chilli peppers are chock-full of vitamins A and C. However, they also provide:
- B Vitamins that assist in the proper metabolizing of food.
- Vitamin E, which is a powerful anti-oxidant and protects the body from free-radicals.
- Potassium, which is critical to maintaining cellular health, hydration and proper blood pressure.
- Iron, which is a mineral that is instrumental in maintaining proper blood oxygen levels.
- Manganese, a mineral that helps to form anti-oxidant responses in the body.
- Magnesium, which is needed for proper nerve and muscle functioning, blood sugar regulation and protein synthesis.
Peppers provide a huge variety of healthful compounds, with the added benefit of containing absolutely no fat or cholesterol. Incorporating a little bit of fresh Chillies into your daily diet can make a big difference in your health!
6. Chilli Peppers – A Possible Preventative for Cancer
Perhaps one of the most fascinating discoveries surrounding the health benefits of Chillies is the realization that their powerful antioxidants and capsaicin seem to have a positive effect upon cancer. Some studies have shown evidence that consumption of peppers can actually shrink and reduce the presence of certain cancer cells, such as prostate and colon cancers. Additionally, the high antioxidant-rich nutritional profile helps your body to protect itself against free radicals, molecules that have degenerative and harmful effects within the human body. The stimulating and anti-inflammatory properties of capsaicin help to discourage cancerous growths while stabilizing the immune system.
7. Chilli Peppers – Helping to Win the Fight Against Diabetes
Research has shown that eating meals containing Chilli peppers can be highly beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. It seems that Chillies reduce the amount of insulin needed to digest food, translating into a lowered overall level of blood sugar. This reduction in insulin production also helps to reduce the strain on the liver, leading to a more fully functional enzyme cascade within the digestive system. By naturally and gently regulating the secretion and re-uptake of insulin, diabetics who regularly consume Chilli peppers may see a gradual improvement in their health, weight and glucose levels.
Feel Like Some Spice?
Even adding a small amount of Chilli into your diet can cause a gradual but dramatic improvement to your state of health. Experiment with mild peppers to begin with, and try hotter types as you begin to acclimate to the regular addition of spice in your meals. Chilli peppers will add a playful and unique dynamic to your home cooking while providing a mind-boggling array of health benefits.
Very important health benefits highlighted. I got all my questions answered and I will be more regular in the use of chillies in my food. Thank you.